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Cruisin’ Down Memory Lane

Mansfield Memorial Homes 50 Blymyer Avenue, Mansfield, United States

Mansfield, Ohio - Mansfield Memorial Homes, 50 Blymyer Ave, Mansfield 44903 for their "Cruisin' Down Memory Lane" Car Show. Check in and registration starts at 9:00 with a $10.00 entry fee. Open to cars, trucks…

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Lucius – Woody Wedding & Reception

Autunm Lake Campground 8644 Porter Central Road, Sunbury, OH, United States

Sunbury, Ohio - Autumn Lake Campground, 8644 Porter Central Rd., for the Lucius - Woody Wedding & Reception. PRIVATE EVENT. 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM.

Sharrock State Farm Insurance Customer Appreciation Day

Scott Sharrock State Farm Insurance 206 East Main Street, Lexington, OH, United States

Lexington, Ohio - Sharrock Insurance Agency, 10 Plymouth Street for their annual appreciation party and cookout. Open to clients & guests. 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

Smith – Fry Wedding Reception

American Legion Park Bell St, Bellville, OH, United States

Bellville, Ohio - Legion Park, Bellville, Ohio for the Smith - Fry Wedding Reception. PRIVATE EVENT. 3:30 PM - 8:30 PM

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